Ironman Boulder

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday 9.27.12

For some reason, I woke up this morning at about 4:45am.  I don't know why.  I am sooo not a morning person.  The hardest part in all of this is getting up each morning.  After I'm moving around, great.  Until then, it is a struggle.  I tried to wake up my son for hockey practice and then started to get ready for the run.  I do a good bit of milling around in the morning and get distracted sometimes.  I found everything pretty quick today.  I mixed up my Endurox for after the run and put it in the fridge so it would be nice and cold.  I put only two water bottles in my fuel belt and took a honey stinger with me.  My monthly arthritis meds came yesterday so my wife gave me my injection last night.  It usually takes a few days to settle in but I haven't really felt bad at the tail end of my medication this month.  I took all the other usual stuff, tylenol, potassium, and some other stuff for my stomach.  Bad thing about running in the morning is the getting loose part.  I took off at about 6am out of the garage.  I was to cover 6 miles this morning per Jeff's plan.  The plan called for a mile warm up, a ladder set, and use of any remaining mileage for the cool down.  The ladder set was 1 minute, 2 minute, 3 minute, 4 minute, 3 minute, 2 minute, 1 minute hard efforts with recovery in between that matched the hard effort.  These Thursday hard efforts are usually high 7 minute pace.  I couldn't really decide on a route.  I have a few to choose from.  I decided to take the long route to Parkway and run it to the 3 mile mark, turn around and come back home the same way.  There a few small hills but not many.  It's hard to believe how many people are out running at 6am.  Parkway is very busy with runners and I can run on the street against the traffic.  The concrete is better on the road and I don't have to be concerned with the uneven pavement on the sidewalk.  I lost a little focus on the first 2 minute set and went over 8 minute pace but all of the others were in range.  The traffic lights all came up at good times and didn't split up any of my hard effort runs.  I don't recall having done a workout exactly like this one and it was hard today, even though the mileage was not very long.  I took the honey stinger after the 4 minute effort and starting taking water in at that point as well.  It seemed a little warmer than it has been lately in the morning, maybe low 70s instead of the 60s.  Temperature was not really a problem at all.  On the way back, the Coppell Cross Country kids were passing under the bridge in the park.  Very busy day considering how early it was.  My hard effort pace was:
1 minute:  7:34 pace
2 minute:  8:02 pace
3 minute:  7:41 pace
4 minute:  7:55 pace
3 minute:  7:49 pace
2 minute:  7:48 pace
1 minute:  7:50 pace
Thanks to Bowling for Soup for providing the tune that got me home today.

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