The rain started yesterday afternoon and it was still raining this morning. I woke up with the intention of possibly fighting the rain and riding the bike. I sent a text to Justin to see if he was interested in going. He was going to ride tomorrow so I decided to go with him and run today. Seemed like the right thing to do and hopefully it will dry out on Sunday. No need to chance wiping out on slick roads. I love the slow rain for running. If it was just about 5-10 degrees cooler, it would be awesome. I loaded up the fuel belt with water and took two honey stinger gels. REI had a new flavor, fruit smoothie. Fruit smoothie was a little sweet but not bad. The goal today was 80 minutes. I thought somewhere around 8+ miles would do it. I definitely felt the mid 9s would be the pace today. I was pretty much right. My average today was 9:34 and the miles were in between 9:20 to about 9:46. For awhile in the first 4 miles, I got into a nice groove and really didn't worry about time, speed, distance, or anything. I just ran as if nothing was around me. My mind didn't wander and thing about ridiculous things. It would be good to find that place and stay there for these longer runs. Practice, I guess. I went over 100 miles running for the month with today's run. 103 to be exact. I haven't been close to a 100 mile month and I still feel really good. September has been a good month of training. Today's running song to get me home was appropriately enough, Prince and Purple Rain.
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