Ironman Boulder

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Saturday 9.22.12

Woke up a little late today at around 7am.  No big deal.  The weather is really nice right now and I don't like riding the bike in the dark.  My eyes aren't great without my glasses.  Loaded up with the usual nutrition.  I was almost out of gel so I had to go by the Run On last night on the way home from work.  Had enough honey stinger gels for every 30 minutes, one bottle of water, one bottle of Accelerade, and a honey stinger waffle.  I also had a honey stinger waffle before I left.  There was almost no wind for the first few hours. The SW winds kicked in for the last half of the ride, maybe 5-10 mph.  I took a route that I have only traveled once before with Jeff out to the other side of 35W to Robson Ranch road.  Coming back from that direction there are some great hills around Hilltop road.  They can be leg crushing.  I had to stop a few times and use the GPS on my phone to make sure I was going the right direction.  I found my way around fine.

There were long stretches out west where I was pretty much alone.  No cars, no people, no bikes, just me, the odd cow, and my thoughts.  I wondered what it would be like in Austin and what it would be like to finish.  I tried to figure out what a good finishing time would be.  Very cool.  I felt really good on the bike.  My arms were a little sore this morning after the push up swim workout yesterday.  I had to tack on an extra 20 minutes when I got back home today.  I made it back quicker than I expected.  I covered a little over 66 miles in 4 hours and 3 minutes.  The heat was starting to come up when I got home around 12:30 and I was ready to get off that bike.  Nice ride.  I felt slightly dehydrated.  I think I should have been more consistent with the fluids.  Other than that, no complaints today.

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