Ironman Boulder

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday 10.7.12

It's the end of another miserable weekend for working out.  Last week was cold and rainy.  This week was cold but not much rain.  The weather this morning was in the 40s.  I forgot my biking winter jacket and never got warm today.  It was hard to fight through.  The wind was at least 10mph from the northeast which is the worst direction for my long route today.  Very little of my time today was spent with the wind.  At one point, I considered calling for a pickup but I fought through it.  Although I covered 66 miles, it was very slow going.  Four hours and twenty minutes to cover the entire distance.  It seemed to get colder as the day wore on.  I left a little later than usual.  First, I was hoping it would warm up.  Second, I wanted to check on Rich and see if he finished the 100 mile race in Arkansas.  I got a text from Joe saying he made around 8:30 this morning.  I am very excited for him.  I wonder if he will want to run next Sunday or if he is going to take about a month off.  I guess we'll find out.  As for me, I am happy I got the work in this weekend despite the conditions.  You gotta do what you gotta do and I need to keep the training train moving.  I didn't see many people out training today or yesterday.  I don't blame them.  If I didn't have this race, it would have been real easy to stay in that warm bed today.  I did see a nice 8 point buck today crossing a dirt road today.  Couldn't get a picture before he disappeared in the woods.  First deer I have seen out in the middle of nowhere.

If you ride a bike in Denton County, one of the major landmarks is the Whitehouse.  These people probably have no idea they are a popular landmark.  The house actually used to be white and was just painted.  Maybe they painted it to try and throw everyone off.  I don't think that will work and everyone still calls it the Whitehouse.  It's about 28 miles from my house to here.  Here it is:

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