Ironman Boulder

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday 8.21.12

I received the weekly plan from Jeff this week and it looks like we are turning the screws a little more this week.  I awakened to rain this morning which usually means my joints are feeling great.  I checked the weather and couldn't decide whether to forge ahead in the rain or wait until this evening after work.  I was up and decided to move ahead.  The temp was about 70 but humid with the rain.  I was to do (6) sets of 1000 meters in 4:05-4:15.  This would equate to running at 6:48-7:05 miles.  I didn't feel great on the warm up run.  It is 1.5 miles to the track.  I took it slow and tried to get loose.  All of my 1000s fell in the 4:44-4:54 range.  Consistent but consistently off the pace I needed.  I took a fuel belt of water and honey stinger for the run.  Took the honey stinger after the third 1000.  I saw Jeff at the track.  He was worried the bike ride on Saturday was too fast.  Apparently, the after effects of hammering out a fast ride can stay with you for a few days even though you don't really feel like it.  Maybe that was part of it.  It will be a busy week so I better stick as close to the plan as possible.  All of the workouts are increases in intesity and length.  The weather is a big bonus.  Still can't believe the cool temps (in Dallas terms).

#1 1000:  4:44 (7:30 pace)
#2 1000:  4:49 (7:40 pace)
#3 1000:  4:54 (7:44 pace)
#4 1000:  4:50 (7:46 pace)
#5 1000:  4:55 (7:50 pace)
#6 1000:  4:47 (7:46 pace)

Why are the times inconsistent with the pacing?  Garmin GPS distances are the answer.  While going around the track a few hundreths of a mile variation in distance will affect the pacing.

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