8.10.12 Swim day yesterday. 2400 yards in the pool. Mixed in some speed intervals and handled those really well. My swimming has not fallen off as much as the run and bike in the past few weeks although my speed and strength is slowly coming back. Took a bottle of water with me but forgot to take my gel before getting in the pool. There was a small crowd at the pool yesterday. Don't know why. The swim took right at about one hour.
8.11.12 Bike workout today. The weather was supposed to be really good so I did not wake up at 4:00am and slept in until about 7am. Left the house at about 7:30 but that meant I was on my own this morning. There was a slight cool in the air that was almost fall like today. It must have been low 70s and I am pretty sure it was low 80s when I got home. It was as nice as it can get for August. I was supposed to do 2 hours this morning. I took the Argyle route today. I chopped off some mileage that I usually cover when I do 50-60 miles. My route was about 43 miles and lasted about 2 hours and 30 minutes of ride time. I took a honey stinger gel every 30 minutes. I had a salt shark before I left and took one bottle of water and one bottle of Accelerade for the ride. Refilled both bottles and had a banana at the Shell station on FM1171. Nutrition wise, everything went great. My legs felt pretty good all day. Ran into Jeff with about 8 or 9 miles to go and rode home with him. He is tapering for Ironman Louisville so I dont' think I bogged him down too badly. It was good to have someone to talk to for the last few miles. Overall, not bad today. The weather was so good I really wish I was doing 60-70 miles today.
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