Ironman Boulder

Monday, June 16, 2014

6.15.14 Fathers Day Pilot Knoll Trail Run

Our running group decided to run Pilot Knoll on Sunday.  The terrain is not as technical and we were all coming off some build week miles.  Pilot Knoll is a great trail.  Wider, easier to run fast, less rocks and roots, no mountain bikes and fewer cob webs to deal with.  It's a hidden jewel.  We parked at the parking lot just outside the guard shack to Pilot Knoll park.  They don't mind anyone parking there.  We have the shade of the trees for after the run and the guard shack has a hose you can use.  Greatness.  Jeff's plan for me was for two hours easy.  Incorporate walking as needed.  Distance is not important.  I felt ok after the 100 mile ride yesterday.  I only lost one pound and my energy was ok.  It's the end of a heavy two week build period.  I'm not really sore at all.  Just tired.  My legs are having a hard time being convinced to run.  We started a little after 8am.  The humidity was way up again.  The temperature started in the low 80s but it was low 90s by the time we were done.  The run out was rough at the start but I felt really good.  We ran for 30 minutes and then I ate a gel.  Walked for just a small stretch and then ran it out to the turnaround at 60 minutes.  We were almost 6 miles in so our pace was really good.  Probably too fast to be honest.  The Matrix brings out the worst in me when it comes to staying on an easy run.  He is just fast and it isn't hard for him.  Joe had an extra liter of water in his hydration pack.  I reloaded one of my water bottles at roughly 80 minutes.  I was going through water and Skratch fast.  Gel at the turnaround and again at 90 minutes.  I told Rich I was starting to feel it when we hit the West Nile pond.  I thought he only wanted to run hard to the 2499 tunnel but he meant the parking lot where we started.  I tried to keep the pace comfortable.  There are a few technical hill before you get to the tunnel on the return.  I was starting to go into the pain cave so I decided to walk to the tunnel and see how I felt.  I really could have just laid down in that tunnel.  After coming out the other side of the tunnel, the sun was beating me to death.  There are a few open sections of the trail with no where to hide.  It was tough.  I started running again but not fast.  Probably 11 minute pace.  Rich thought he might have been lost and doubled back to make sure he was on the right trail.  I ran with him the rest of the way.  He is a good motivator.  When we hit the parking lot, I was cooked.  We walked to the guard shack and turned the hose on.  It was warm water at first but the cool water made an appearance after a minute or two.  It was awesome.  After hosing myself down and getting my body temperature cooled off, I changed into some dry clothes.  Grabbed my camping chair and cooler and sat down.  It was nice in the shade.  We probably spent a  half hour or so cooling down before leaving.  I guess it's about that time of year where the runs are going to have to come a little earlier in the morning.  I think a recovery week is coming but I'm not sure.  If it is, I'm ready.

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