Ironman Boulder

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

4.9.13 Track Run

It was an early morning today and I didn't want to get up.  I stayed up late watching the NCAA basketball championship.  I should have bailed and went to bed.  I had to stay up and the one shining moment montage.  Not that great this year.  Yesterday, I had jury duty at the Frank Crowley courthouse for Dallas County.  Joy.  I was hoping to not be there all day and it worked out.  Since I had to be downtown by 8:30, I didn't really have time for my morning swim.  After they decided to let us go after lunch, I made it home in time to get my swim in before it got too far into the evening.  Jeff had a few weird quirks in the plan.  The first was a 15 minute timed swim in which I was to cover as much ground as possible.  I ended up getting 800 yards in.  Right after the timed swim, I was to do 12x25.  Each length would go 3 breaths/2 breaths/1 breath/0 breaths.  I didn't know if I could cover the entire 25 without taking a breath.  Jeff says it is for hypoxic training and teaches efficiency.  I was able to do it, much to my surprise.  Interesting swim.

This morning was a track day.  Jeff gave me a warm up mile, 2x800 at 5k pace, 1 800 at 5k pace minus 3-5 seconds, 2x800 at 5k pace and a cool down mile.  When I grabbed my watch this morning, the pegs that charge the watch must not have seated correctly and it was almost out of battery life.  I took it with me anyway and decided to get what I could out of it.  My garmin died after the first 800.  I don't have any idea how I did today.  I think the first 800 was around 3:58.  I did the best I could without having my garmin to help me with pace.  I am really tired this morning.  I need to get more sleep tonight.

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