Ironman Boulder

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

5.1.13 Swim/Bike

It's the first day of May and good training weather is upon us.  I swam this morning at the CARC.  2400 yards this morning in 55 minutes.  I got there earlier than usual and it wasn't very crowded.  I tried to keep the pace up today and maintain speed through the longer sets.  I'm feeling pretty good in the water and feel like I am in a good place right now.

Rode the bike outside tonight.  Jeff's plan had a lot of hard efforts in it.  I decided to just go fast since I was outside and the hard efforts would take care of themselves when I hit the hills.  I took the route to the end of Murrell Park at Lake Grapevine tonight and back home.  It's anywhere from 45-55 minutes to the lake.  The plan called for 75-100 minutes so the lake route should have been perfect.  My legs were really good tonight.  I set a PR out to the lake and got there in 43:30 or something like that.  Really fast tonight.  I hope the run tomorrow goes well.  The wind was against me on the way home but I was really fast coming home as well.  The weather is supposed to be cold in Austin for the race on Sunday.  If there is no wind, I should be really fast.  I guess we will have to wait and see.  Good night tonight.

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