Ironman Boulder

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Saturday 10.13.12

We'll start with the run last night.  I ran 4 miles last night starting at around 6:30pm.  I definitely didn't feel great through the first two miles before the turnaround.  The last two miles were steady and I settled in nicely.  It was a little humid and in the low 80s for the run.  I didn't bother taking any water or gel.  It was a short run.  I think the run was about 36 minutes which equates to about 9 minute miles.

When I woke up this morning my right hip was a little sore.  The temps were in the low 70s.  I left the house at 7:54am.  The plan today called for 3 hours and 30 minutes on the bike.  The winds were from the south at 11-13 when I started and were easily 15+ by the time I finished.  I decided to head out to the Whitehouse with a detour through Murrell Park at Lake Grapevine.  I knew it would be slower coming home with the wind in my face.  I made to the turnaround in an 1:40.  My plan worked out perfectly and I hit the garage at exactly 3 hours and 30 minutes.  The weather looked pretty rough at times.  I had a few sprinkles but the rain held off.  It's supposed to storm this afternoon and tonight.  I was very diligent about the gel intake every 30 minutes and water or Accelerade every 15 minutes.  I came across two other guys in Bartonville and we played leap frog on the bike for about 10 miles.  We finally split apart in Flower Mound.

After the ride today, I met the guy I bought my wetsuit from.  Looks good.  I brought it home but haven't tried it on yet.  I have been watching my mighty Crimson Tide and Ironman Kona on the laptop.

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