Ironman Boulder

Sunday, January 13, 2013

1.13.13 Cold Sunday Run

My plan called for 110 minute run today.  The trails were all too wet so I had to head out on the concrete today.  It was really cold this morning, in the 20s so I chose to sleep in a little and run later in the afternoon.  I started watching the Seahawks and Falcons and it looked like a blowout so I put my running gear on and the Seahawks started to come back.  I stayed at home until the end of the game and then took off.  It was still in the mid 30s and the wind was strong from the North.  I decided to run to Valley Ranch and take on the hills on the west side of MacArthur.  They are pretty tough and I thought the mileage might be a little short but it would be good work.  I saw a friend on the way to Valley Ranch, Crystal.  She was about two miles from finishing and I was only two miles in.  I didn't see many runners so it was nice to see a friendly face.  I had some sun on the way out and it was actually a little warm.  Once I made it through the hills to MacArthur, I decided to keep on going and word my way around the east side of Valley Ranch and then head home.  The sun was starting to go down and the wind was in my face the rest of the way.  My shirts were wet from sweating on the way out so it was really cold coming home.  I was very happy to make it back to the house.  I covered 12 miles in about one hour and 56 minutes.  I misjudged time and distance in Valley Ranch so I went a little long today.  I have officially had enough of winter and the cold weather.  I'm ready for some warmer temps.

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