Ironman Boulder

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Not a bad day for February.  It was a little cold this morning in the 40s around 8am.  By the time I left at around 9:30 it was sunny and in the 50s.  It looked like the wind was going to change from the South to the North at around 11 or 12.  I planned on 3 hours today so I tried to time it right so I would get the wind at my back.  It didn't exactly work out like I wanted.  My route goes basically to the NW going out and the S
E coming back.  The wind was from the E/SE on the way out so I was fighting it a little bit.  Once I got to the lake, it turned around from the N and started blowing hard.  Pretty hard work in that wind.  It didn't favor me too much on the way home as it seemed to shift to the NW.  Oh well, I should pay less attention and just go.  It was worth a shot.  I saw Jeff going the other way this morning.  I yelled at him but I don't know if he heard me or not.  I was pretty much on my own all day today.  I stopped out at the lake to check on my chair at our trailrunning turnaround spot.  It was underwater.  The lake looked like this from the Marina.

I tried to take the dreaded self picture with my new phone at the marina.  Much easier than my old phone with the camera that faces the screen.  The wind slowed me down some today but I was able to put 52.4 miles behind me in 3 hours and 22 minutes.  A little longer than the plan but what are you going to do.

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