Ironman Boulder

Monday, May 12, 2014

5.11.14 Mothers Day Minneapolis Mississippi River Run

My plan called for another 90 minute run on Sunday.  I have wanted to go downtown and run the Mississippi since we have been going to the Twin Cities to visit my daughter the past few years.  I drove to downtown Minneapolis and found a parking lot right next to the river.  I started at something called the Old Mill Ruins.  Minneapolis was/is a hot spot for makers of flour.  They have some actual ruins of the old mills right on the river close to the University of Minnesota.  I started from there and headed south.  I did get lost a few times and headed the wrong direction but quickly got myself back on track.  Due to some of my detours, I ran about 52 minutes and then turned around.  I ended up getting back to the ruins right at 90 minutes so my calculations were dead on.  I had a little stiffness in my hamstring but I felt really good again.  Two back to back 9 mile runs on concrete and I wasn't really sore or tired.

I am almost certain I saw Minnesota Viking great John Randle riding his bike.  The river was really roaring.  There is a dam at the spot where I started and the water was really moving.  Here is a picture of the dam:

This is a bridge that crosses the river at the University of Minnesota.  I think they have a few buildings on the west side of the river.  It was a really cool looking pedestrian bridge.

Last, I came across the Minnesota version of the old school paddle boat.  Anyone from the south, will get a chuckle out of this.  You can barely see a van off to the right so that gives you a little bit of scale.  Let's say it was diminutive compared to those I have seen in Mississippi or New Orleans.  Maybe they can't make them too big since they probably have to pull them out of the water for the winter.  Anyway, I thought it was funny.

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