Ironman Boulder

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

4.5.14 Tuscaloosa Run

To get caught up, I did swim on Friday 4/4 and I felt really good.  Best so far this year.  I was running short on time due to overcrowding at the pool.  2500 yards in an hour.  Very encouraging.  We were leaving for Tuscaloosa in the afternoon so there would be no other workout in the afternoon.

We left the house at 4:30pm on Friday and did not get to Tuscaloosa until 1:30am on Saturday.  I slept until about 9:30am and then got ready for my run.  We had to stay in Cottondale which is east of Tuscaloosa.  I really didn't know where to run so I decided to stick with Highway 11 which turns into University and heads directly into campus.  Plan was for 90 minutes so I started heading that way and would turn around at 45 minutes.  The road was mostly two lane blacktop with little to no shoulder.  Not fun at all.  At my turnaround point, I finally got a sidewalk that I could take into campus.  I called Patty and asked if she could meet me somewhere on campus and give me a ride home.  She asked me to call her when I was done.  When I got to campus, I decided to stop at my fraternity house and see if someone there could give me a ride.  It would keep Patty from having to drive the ten miles out there.  My son was going to attend the spring party at my house later in the afternoon.  Someone kindly offered a ride so I ran another 20 minutes through campus and went back to the house.  It was a great day, cool and sunny.  The campus was very busy.  Almost all of the fraternities were having parties, the football team was having a private scrimmage for the boosters, sororities were having functions, etc.  I really felt good during the run and could have gone much further but we had stuff to do.  Two of my fraternity brothers made an appearance on campus so we were able to hang out with them all day.  Turned out to be a great day.

Sunday it was raining and we needed to get going back to Dallas so it was a lost day.  I was really tired and needed the rest anyway.

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