Yesterday, I overslept. I had to be at work a little early and didn't have enough time to get to the pool and get my swim in. Shelby's Enduroshark group does a ride and swim after work so I decided to opt for that. Their ride starts at 6:30pm so I hustled over there hoping to start early. They start the swim at 7:45pm but typically get kicked out of the pool by 8:30pm. I started my ride at about 6:20pm to get an early jump. I think it was about 73 minutes or so. The wind was really whipping again. Ended up putting in 20 miles and then headed back to the parking lot. Fairly hard work against the wind. Made it to the pool and got in the water at close to 7:50pm. Shelby told me he had to leave early and just stay until they kicked me out. I tried to stick with Jeff's plan. I converted any kickboard work to a swim to speed things along. I was able to stay in the water until about 8:40pm getting in 2100 yards. I was in a hurry so my effort was stronger than normal. My feet started cramping up again. I really need to resolve this problem in the water.
This morning was an 8 mile tempo run. 1 mile warm up, 2 miles at marathon pace, 2 miles at half marathon pace, 2 miles at 10k pace, and 1 mile cool down. I have a decent 8 mile route through Coppell that includes some decent hills. I figured to be a little slow after the work from yesterday but I really felt good for the most part. My warm up pace is close to marathon pace so I only sped those miles up by 20-35 seconds. My half marathon miles were in the 9:20 range and the 10k miles were mid 8s. I was getting faster every mile so that was a good indication my legs were responding well. Weather was cool this morning. Great running weather. My iPod was giving me good music today. Always a bonus!
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