Ironman Boulder

Saturday, April 6, 2013

4.6.13 Bike

I didn't know what to expect today.  I felt ok this morning.  I was feeling a little sluggish last night so I didn't run or ride the bike last night.  I did swim in the morning.  It wasn't a great day in the water so I wanted to save a little energy for today.  I got all of my work in this week with the exception of last night.  I checked the weather last night and it was supposed to be windy today with better weather as the day progressed.  I woke up around 6:30am and checked the weather on my phone.  Starting around 8am, the winds were going to build to 18-20mph from the south.  It was a little cool to start this morning.  It was in the 50s with wind chill in the 40s.  I am tired of this crap.  It would warm up rapidly so I went kind of light today.  I decided to take the northwest route to the whitehouse and back.  It would be really rough on the way back witht the wind.  I went through Murrell Park and Twin Coves to add a little mileage in case I needed a little extra time.  Jeff had 3 hours on the plan today.  Attack the hills and be efficient on the downhills.  I got out of the house at about 8:30.  The wind was really heavy and it was fast on the way out.  When I turned south to head to Murrell Park at Lake Grapevine, I knew the route home was going to be tough today.  The wind was dead south and wasn't bad at all going east or west.  I got to the turnaround at the whitehouse and stopped to eat my Honey Stinger Mocha Cherry protein bar.  First one of those I have eaten and it was awesome.  I love the Honey Stinger protein bars.  I took a moment to psych myself up and started back.  I felt really good and was managing 16-17mph on the flatter sections dead into the wind.  I figured to fatigue as the miles went on but I was doing really well.  The uphill sections into the wind were a beating but I managed a really good pace today.  I saw Crystal today in a pack of riders today but didn't get a chance to talk to her.  I was in a hurry to get home.  We are going to the Ranger game this afternoon.  I think I can probably put away a boom stick or a Murphadilla today on my own.  I am starving.  I averaged aroun 16.5 with the stops and starts so that is really good considering the conditions.  Good day today.

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