Ironman Boulder

Monday, August 19, 2013

8.18.13 Sunday Open Water Swim and Trail Run

Shelby and the Enduroshark crew were swimming at Lake Grapevine followed by a run.  They dropped a few buoys in the cove where the boats are launched at Murrell Park.  The boat launch is closed due to the low water level.  We started the swim at about 6:30am and the air temp was 68 degrees.  Very unusual for Dallas in August.  I haven't done an open water swim with my new Garmin 910XT.  It is supposed to have better tracking in the water.  The distance looked close to what it should have been given my time in the water but the GPS mapping still looked a littel skewed.  Overall, good to get an open water swim in.  I was tired from 2 hours of kayaking the day before so I probably wasn't as strong as usual.

After the swim, Shelby's group took off for a run on the concrete.  I like to run the trails on Sunday so I went my own way.  My plan was for a steady 75 minutes.  Some bikers popped out of the trail and I asked them if they started at the guard shack and they said yes.  They knew what I was really asking and said they cleared the cobwebs for me.  Excellent.  Rich and Joe were in Leadville and I don't know that end of the trail very well.  I got about 30 minutes or so in and looked for a turn around.  I found one slightly past the MADD shelter and headed back.  My run was a little over an hour which was short but considering the swim, plenty of work for the day.  My speed was actually pretty good.  I didn't feel like I was going that fast.

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